Blue Stone Business Solutions operates to the highest professional standards, both in terms of the quality of the service we provide, and the integrity with which we provide it. We have always offered independent advice and services to our clients based on complete business integrity.
Our formal position is that we operate a zero-tolerance policy such that neither the company nor its staff or sub-contractors will offer commissions, gifts, corporate hospitality or any other form of incentive in exchange for unfair business advantage, nor we will agree to receive any such commissions, gifts, corporate hospitality or any other form of incentive. We would be happy to provide any prospective customer with further details of our ethical stance.
We pride ourselves in being a responsible organisation: not just professionally and ethically but also in relation to the environment. Our work often takes us to our client’s offices but we nevertheless endeavour to reduce our environmental footprint wherever possible by optimising travel plans and utilising technological solutions, including e-mail and electronic conferencing facilities.